New album: Beach Boys With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra


For the fans of more classical sound, there is no better summer music than the Beach Boys. Their song Good Vibrations, described as a “pocket symphony” by its author, is with almost no exception on every list of the best and most influential songs. Brian Willson’s style as a composer, which includes highly sophisticated construction of musical elements, as well as his production expertise, has created a golden standard of pop-sound, and the sheet music of his compositions have been included in music textbooks for teaching harmony.

This summer we can enjoy a newly-released album where Beach Boys’ music is enriched with added orchestral arrangements by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The album took a short time to climb up the Billboard charts of classic albums and is currently holding the third place.

The composer and co-founder of Beach Boy, Brian Wilson, said about this project: “I always knew the vocal arrangements I did back in the Sixties would lend themselves perfectly for a symphony and there is no better one in the world than the Royal Philharmonic. I am both proud and humbled by what they have created using our songs and I hope everyone falls in love with it like I have.”