With Lika Kolorado travel from New York to Hong Kong


Lika Kolorado has so far been able to surprise fans with great video clips, and this time, the merits of the new video release belong to the faithful band fans!  The video spot for the song “Miris auta moje majke” is the fourth video spot from their praised debut edition, “Smijes zaurlat”, released on February 02, 2018 (Aquarius Records / Classic Records).

“”Miris auta moje majke” is a summer thing, made in summer, I do not even remember when, in the last days of summer before I had to return the car to my mother. On the road to Zagreb, despite my desire to keep the adventure longer, the car did not want to stop, did not want to stay without a gas, did not want to suddenly stay silent, nothing as much as I wanted, for summer to last, just to have a little more on the road“, said the frontman of the band, Filip Ridicki.

That the car is never just a car, the road is never only the road, and the song isn’t just a song is confirmed by Filip: “There is a hidden meaning, the end of the summer is the end of the world, the end of youth, ending with fantasies and dreams, and the return to gray routines, but listening to this song finds its window into a new adventure.”

A call for this interesting collaborative music video project, Lika Kolorado, sent her fans through the Facebook profile at the end of May and invited them to record a short, static video through their favorite window in their home, and almost a hundred fans resounded.

The spot, however, started from the assumption that the song is a journey, just for those adventures that find you, in the end, somewhere in some other parts, in front of other forests, apartments and views, and if it is already a travel thing, why woudn’t be also a video spot. We’ve asked our friends, fans, random passers-by on the Internet to shoot a short video through the window which they like to watch, merge them into one with the desire that we like Peter Pan fly out of those windows somewhere out of the gray routine. We are grateful to every person, view, because they prove that none is the same, so even the people who look at them“, reveals Lika Kolorado.